Thursday, March 27, 2014

Maria's birthday

I thought I might have to fend for myself today because Pep had a cold so I was thinking of maybe taking a side trip to a nearby town, but...

After a late breakfast I learned that today was Pep’s mom’s, Maria's, birthday and there was a dessert making project to help with. Dolors plopped thick chocolate blobs on parchment paper while Pep and I placed one almond, one hazelnut, two pine nuts, and two raisins on each blob. 
Dolors and Pep making a special dessert

Pep and I went out and cut a trailer load of firewood and when we got back, the extended family were at the house for the celebration. At around 2:30, ten of us were sitting at a big table with at least a dozen different finger foods, champagne and wine. Other dishes were a molded potato salad with tuna, stuffed hard boiled eggs, and focaccia with onions. The next course I can remember was a big platter of baked fresh anchovies covered with herbs… All delicious!

Ready to start celebrating Maria's birthday

Each course took the better part of an hour and all of this was going on in Catalan. I’m sitting there feeling happy and safe like a fly on the wall enjoying it like the family dog, when suddenly, Pep asks me to sing happy birthday to his mother! Mercè was there to confirm in English what I thought I had heard from Pep. Imagine the shock… combined with the honour! I was right across the table from Maria and managed to more or less belt it out in english without choking or forgetting the words. I’m sure the beer, red wine and champagne helped! Everyone seemed to be delighted and applauded!

Just when you think you’re stuffed… there’s more! Out comes a big cake, cream puffs, the hand made chocolates, and more  champagne!
Maria with her birthday cake

Finally, there was strong coffee!
During this "slow food" celebration, watching and listening to the continuous, energetic chatter in a language I couldn’t understand was fascinating! Imagine being surrounded by lovely family of friendly strangers, all getting drunk and jabbering continuously! It was a great experience but also a shame to miss the content!  

Things started breaking up around 5:30 and we were up from the table at 6:00. Yes, three and a half hours later!

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